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An unorthodox iconographer, icondule, iconoclast, art teacher and icon maker – profane and sacred – taking as a starting point artefacts taken from the repertories of the history of art and popular culture, I permute their natures and structures to re-present them in a way that alters their levels of performance. I integrate the principles of speculative thinking, empiricism and randomness into his artistic practice : a fundamental basis for assimilating new materials, tools, paths, media and know-how.

Structured around the use of a wide range of techniques and divergent appropriations of different methodologies, the works in the ‘Iconomachy’ collection or those more recently presented in the exhibition Falling like lightning from Heaven are an extension of the work carried out as part of the residencies at the Domaine de Kerguéhennec, at the Thamy-Nyele Foundation in Amsterdam, off the Dubai Art Fair, at the RAVI at the Comète de Liège and proposals for exhibits at the MAK in Vienna, at David Adjaye’s Visionnary Africa pavilion in Addis Ababa.

By adding double entendre – at least – to my work, my 3.0 icons function like Trojan horses.

Visit by appointment only: leo@atelierlk.art /

Author member of the ADAGP. Permission is required for any use of the works.