L’ATELIER LK’ continues to position itself as a laboratory of innovative artistic practices. With the creation of a service of loan of works of the workshop, we facilitate the meeting with the collectors.
A simple principle: you rent a work of art from 75 €* per month, with an option to buy (the rent paid will be subtracted from the final purchase price).
Thanks to this new opportunity, you enter into a relationship with the artist based on an exchange rather than an object: thus moving from an economy based on a thing to an economy based on an experience. A different way of consuming art that is not reduced to a simple transaction.
“This monthly stipend is a real boost for me. By potentially covering the operating costs of my studio and creating a working capital I can develop my painting work, continue the editions of multiples and strengthen my presence on multidisciplinary actions for example”.
Our consumption habits are evolving – look at our streaming practices with Netflix and others: films and series are broadcast into our homes, thanks to subscriptions. The CLIC’LOC&COLLECT service adapts to this concept and encourages the circulation of works of art (drawings, photographs, prints, paintings).
With this system, any tenant can decide to acquire a work** at his or her own pace, without the constraint of the “coup de coeur” that often crystallizes the purchase in fairs or galleries.
Become the curator/tenant of your home exhibition by making an appointment at ATELIER LK’.

You are an art lover and you have a company?
The end of the year rhymes with balance sheets…
In French law, the taxation applicable to works of art benefits from a specific law. It is attractive for the purchase, the resale or the transmission. Some measures are favorable for individuals (more info here) and others for companies (more info here).
Pour les entrepreneurs (& professions libérales) différentes options en terme d’optimisation fiscale existent.
With CLIC’LOC&COLLECT, we offer you the possibility of paying only monthly instalments over a fixed period, deductible from your company’s income. In fact, 100% of the monthly payments are deductible from your net income: the monthly rents are deductible from the IS for companies (from the IRPP for the liberal professions).
We ensure the delivery and the assembly***. You enjoy a work of art. At the end of the rental contract, you have the possibility to acquire it: an incredible opportunity to build a collection!
From A to Z
1/ Making an appointment
2/ Meeting at Atelier LK’ (rue du Grenier à Sel, Saint-Florent-Le-Vieil)
3/ Choice of a work
4/ Study of the estimate / schedule
5/ Finalization of administrative documents (contract/insurance)
6/ Delivery at home / or collection at the workshop
7/ Assembly of the work
* and up to one eighteenth of its real price.
** Works of art are valued between 300 and 8,500 euros.
***The expertise that we offer to accompany you in the acquisition of works of art is based on a solid knowledge of the art market, its ins and outs. Thanks to our contacts with international galleries, we are able to search for, select and negotiate the works of art that catch your eye. We also advise you on administrative procedures, delivery logistics, hanging and installation by a professional.
PS : Are you worried about the sensitivity (to wear and tear) of a work of art? No problem. On the one hand, we have insurance and (each household also!) and on the other hand we are well aware that works of art can get dirty, frames get scratched (sometimes even broken), and this is part of the work, like a patina that accumulates as it passes through the homes of different people.